Thursday, October 17, 2013

ARGH - Hexen 2 issue

This has to be the most frustrating issue I have had so far with the Nvidia Shield. Not true because control mapping still takes #1 pet peeve.  When trying to add the data1 folder to the device, the folder would not show in the directory even though it was there. I had to restart the device for it to show. Which originally left my looking at the shield like Ben Stiller at the end of Zoolander when trying to get the information out of the computer.

I understand fist of awesome now and how much I want to punch a bear or deer right in the face.  A side note since that game works on OUYA with a controller. Would it work on the Shield with controller support? Hmmmm? Sent an email to the developer have not heard back yet.


Every time you have to restart when you try another one of these "beloko" apps.  It won't let you create the folder because it is already there but does not show. I'm punching invisible air demons right now.

Beginning part with the linking to the data1 file issue

Ok got it working. now wtf!! this menu eats bull penis.
what am i suppose to do from here? hit random buttons.
(hit android return key)

Ok got to this menu. Now what. None of my button mapping is working. Shit.
(You use the onscreen commands and that return command on the bottom left
is actually what you push to go forward. Argh!!!!)

Now I'm in the game sweet. Took about 5 tries to setup the game
mapping the way I wanted it to work.  Everything works great.
I'm playing Hexen II on the Nvidia Shield

Try to leave and now I am back to this poor menu.

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